Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Joe Strummer

There's Joe (Cosmo right behind him) coming out of KROQ (radio station in Pasadena, CA). I had him sign my Go Straight To Hell EP. I asked him what he thought about The Alarm, who had just hit the US earlier that year and he said "You aren't falling for all that crap, are you?" Great moment! Joe and Cosmo hung out for about 15 minutes with Joe signing everything that was put in front of him, I think one guy had about 10 records with him.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Saturday in the Park

I was out in GG Park in between the Academy of Sciences and the DeYoung Museum. The goal was to peacefully read Slaughterhouse 5 but I had to change benches 3 times because random children would attach themselves to the bench I was occupying and busy themselves with screaming "BIRDIE!!! BIRDIE!!! BIRDIE!!!" or other sporadic observances. These children looked healthy, not as if they had been locked up in the cellar or attic for long periods of time, so the overblown excitement over a common sparrow was puzzling, and annoying, and unecessary, and...well you understand. So I'm a cranky wench, so what?

The Cherry Blossoms are here!

Incredibly warm Saturday afternoon, Jan. 31, 2009.
The building in the background is where I live. You are looking at J's apartment.
Yup, the one T broke into by accident! lol