Monday, November 14, 2011

Common Cold Conclusion

I fell, fell into the gooey vat of too much snot armed only with an almost never ending supply of tissues (now with aloe!), sugar free throat drops, maximum strength, fast-max dextromethrophan HBr - cough suppressant and packets of that fizzy medicine potion that would surely give Professor Snape a case of cauldron envy. My body is under severe medication and thinking about the next round of dosing makes my innards churn and protest. So much so, that I dare not feed it anything too solid, a piece of bread here, a strawberry and raspberry smoothie there, maybe some of that decadent ginger cake the husband made. Mmmmm...cake...yeah, still say that. The first symptoms manifested as feelings of dizziness and chills, it was around 3am so I didn't get out of bed to counter attack, I know, total blow it! I went to work and made it through the entire day not feeling too badly and consumed about 4 packets of wondrous Emergen-C. Unfortunatley, the virus, bug, common cold, evil green slimy microbe had already taken hold and 10 pm called for something stronger than pumped up kool-aid, so I popped some nighttime nyquil and went to bed. Next day I felt as if I had the mumps or fought a pretty decent round in my sleep! My jaw was sore and my head felt full of everything except what it's supposed to be filled with (wildly creative ideas, the solution to global warming, the soft kitty song), the chills weren't letting go and my body thought that sweating simultaneously would make me feel really pretty so it went with that. Boy, work was going to be fun! I lasted 5 hours, after that I carefully drove home, took a shower, put on my PJs and got into bed. The next 4 days were spent either asleep under many blankets or wrapped up in my snuggie on the couch. The moments of consciousness were filled with alternating between the cough syrup and the hot fizzy flu potion both which were only used to facilitate sleep as I've concluded this time (and many times before) that the ONLY cure for the common cold is sleep. Get it however you can and as often as you can, otherwise you're doomed to stay in that gooey vat of too much snot much longer than you and your poor body has to. Bottom line: call in sick and get some sleep!