Tipsy for Tolhurst
Perkins Palace, 198'something, at the Cure gig with Joshua (Thomas Dolby lookalike). I find myself close to the stage and decide it's time to make the crossing, so I manage to get up there, kiss Robert Smith on the cheek, spin around to leave when *smack* I run into Lol's keyboard! The whole set up does this tipsy dance, wobbling back and forth and I look at Lol in horrified embarrassment but he just smiles and steadies it. At that point I just run off stage. Back with Josh he says to me "I was sitting here thinking 'who is that bitch kissing Robert and almost knocking over Lol's keyboards?' and then I realized it was YOU!" We laughed and laughed, he finished with "I recognized your glow-in-the-dark rosary!"