Thursday, December 20, 2007


We leave for LA on Saturday, LA is said like la-la-la - not la la land anymore just 'La' like the JCC is now just the 'J'. You guys it sounds hipper, yes, that's why I say it that way to be hipper - entiendes? Es broma büey, no te creas.
Oye, Carolyn y Cheryl and probally el Tankini are coming over for some Holiday cheer tonight and gift exchange, that should be nice...still planning on taking a nappers when I get home though, so damn tired as Jason Mraz says - si por dios.
I paid Robbert a visita today and dang was his office hot, I think they had the thermostat to 85 or something, por favor - I was sudando like crazy. I hope we get to hang out with him and Case soon, although Case is leaving for Italy on the 7th of January, well around there.
I think I'll be catching up with Serene on the 29th of December so that will be fun, I have a calendar for each Jaida and Ricky - watch Jaida 'pooh-pooh' the Disney Princess calendar as she wishes for a Bratz one. Sorry chiquis, no se te va a cumplir!
Anyway, it's 4:30 I'm outta here.
More tomorrow, te prometo nada porque asi soy de mala!