Monday, October 20, 2008

Bouldering...who knew?

You've heard of the indoor rock walls the intrepid, brave, the ones who don't know any better take on for the thrill of it, right? Well, R and I decided to head out to Planet Granite in Chrissy Field to see what it's all about. Turns out that before you can head on up those massive indoor rock walls you have to take several classes - smart move. In the meantime you can perfect your grip and falls over in the bouldering area. All I have to say is I'm thankful for the big and strategically placed mats provided since amateurs like me spent much time plopping onto them *splat*!

Ok, I'm up here, now what?

R - Like he's been doing it his whole life...well he has, kinda...

No net, no rope, no broken bones, huzzah!

Having a "rock"ing good time!