My super NP hero!
Angela G is proving to be worth her weight in gold, she follows-up almost immediately and has great advice, the woman seems to know the ins and outs of the Radiology department. She and Leslie were able to secure an MRI for me on the same day as my appointment with Dr. Jacoby. I was thinking of taking that day off but in all honesty it'll be easier to go to the sites for my appointments with LHts as my home base. Ah, the convenience of the shuttle system, hallelujah! The MRI will show exactly where the fibes are and determine if I'm eligible for the embolization. Angela said what would disqualify me would be if the fibes are in a very risky spot, so here's to hoping those buggars cooperate and are embolizationable...hah, I just made up that word, you guys!
In the meantime I continue taking the Vitex, Flax seed oil gels, vitamins B, E and Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc supplement (with Vit D) oh and let's not forget the Milk Thistle. I stopped the flax seed meal as I read that it can cause excess bleeding. I'm eating more frijoles!
So, in fear of jinxing myself I have to say that this cycle has been less stressful than September's and October's..oh there are clots but not as frightening as in the past. Knock on wood, people, knock on wood. Oh, and think small!
Plus, my test for anemia came back, as I suspected: I'm NOT anemic! Huzzah.