The holiday was a blast, see I almost forgot to post about it, we had 5 people turn up for wine and food, music and parlor games. Ha! I guess you can call a boisterous game of dominoes and several rounds of catch phrase parlor games, right? Oh, the wine flowed and 2nds & 3rds were had by all, dessert ruled in all it's evil richness (cinnamon ice cream is the ultimate!), bellies were full and happy. I managed to only have 2 glasses of wine which had me feeling warm a little fuzzy and IN control. Always a good thing. Then everyone except Case left at around 6pm to go hit another T-Day celebration. About half n' hour later the 2 C's came back and called us asking if they could come back up - but of course m'dears!! Turns out they were "scolded" at the other gathering for being late when they had mentioned they wouldn't be there in time for dinner but for drinks afterwards. Big C was visibly upset when she re-arrived but was soon participating with the board games at hand. I hope we salvaged the night for them...they shouldn't have left in the first place, right? Live and learn, baybees!
Rafael and I had a blast, it was one of the best Thanksgivings ever!