Thursday, December 20, 2007


We leave for LA on Saturday, LA is said like la-la-la - not la la land anymore just 'La' like the JCC is now just the 'J'. You guys it sounds hipper, yes, that's why I say it that way to be hipper - entiendes? Es broma büey, no te creas.
Oye, Carolyn y Cheryl and probally el Tankini are coming over for some Holiday cheer tonight and gift exchange, that should be nice...still planning on taking a nappers when I get home though, so damn tired as Jason Mraz says - si por dios.
I paid Robbert a visita today and dang was his office hot, I think they had the thermostat to 85 or something, por favor - I was sudando like crazy. I hope we get to hang out with him and Case soon, although Case is leaving for Italy on the 7th of January, well around there.
I think I'll be catching up with Serene on the 29th of December so that will be fun, I have a calendar for each Jaida and Ricky - watch Jaida 'pooh-pooh' the Disney Princess calendar as she wishes for a Bratz one. Sorry chiquis, no se te va a cumplir!
Anyway, it's 4:30 I'm outta here.
More tomorrow, te prometo nada porque asi soy de mala!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Status Quo

Writing logs and blogs about the current health situation; nothing has changed since the last post as I'm in waiting mode, circling the landing strip per se, waiting for that clearance light to turn green. January 18th is still the date, the date when the MRI will reveal very small fibes as a result of the visualization. I need to buy another bottle of chaste berry as I'm down to my last 3 capsules, spendy little buggars at $15 a bottle.
Sean and Kate are coming for a visit on Sunday, I think the plan is to hit the Haight and All You Knead, it's been a year and a half since we've been there, the last time was with UK Kate and Jo, unbelievable! Speaking of eateries, we went to B Star last Sunday with Cheryl and Carolyn, great food and hilarious company - very good outing; at first I was just NOT in the mood to go out, it was cold and getting late... wah, wah, moan, moan! I shook it off and got dressed to go, glad I did - oh! and parking? We so Kojak'd it!
I spoke with Michael on the phone and he is still working at the boutique wine store in Pasadena(?) so we may stop in and pay him a visit on the 26th for a wee wine tasting. Since Thanksgiving I've only had one glass of champagne, I do think the drop in alcohol consumption has helped my symptoms...I could give up drinking completely if need be; I do reckon I'd miss the occasional red with dinner though.
Finished the first HP book, just got the 2nd one from the library, it's the hard cover, so will be lugging that little monster around for the next couple of weeks.
Been listening to everyday, thank you Marinieves!
Kilbey has just finished with a cyber stalker, geez, it's insane to wrap your head around just how many damaged people are out there, you know? Still, after having received the first inappropriate suggestion or comment from this person I would have banned their email on the spot - no me jodan cabrones!
Cee the Fibroid Killer