Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Favorite Demented Stalker Lyric

I'm going to take my time
I have all the time in the world
To make you mine
It is written in the stars above
The gods decree
You'll be right here by my side
Right next to me
You can run but you cannot hide

Don't say you want me
Don't say you need me
Don't say you love me
It's understood
Don't say you're happy
Out there without me
I know you can't be
'Cause it's no good

And on it goes, I'm not a Depeche Mode fan but I really do like this song, I found the "produced" video for this song on You Tube (I'd never seen it before) who would have known the DM boys were so funny?? If you venture over to You Tube don't click on the live version of this song, they only posted half of it and it's a buzz kill.
Why did I think this song was on the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack??

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


There really isn't a reason, I mean I can use 2 to 3 hours more sleep per night, that's normal. It's just that I'm in the middle of some meeting minutes and I'm nodding out, zzzzz, harshness. The good news for today is that I found my stones that only yesterday I had given up for lost. The bonus is whilst looking for them I found $6 in my purse, whooooo hooooo!
Oh, have you heard about Great music listening site, their tag is "radio from the Music Genome Project" sounds a little bit like the Darma Project from LOST! Actually, I just have LOST on the brain since the premiere is this Thursday and my neighbors are coming up to watch it with Rafael and I, a little bit of wine, cheese, veggies and LOST, come over, you guys!
I'm a quarter way into Order of the Phoenix and after I'm done with it I need to stop because I want to see the movie (Blood Prince) before I read the book, it's in production innit? Something to look into...I love Alan Rickman. Did you see him in Snow Cake?
I realize I'm rambling, I just need to jump start my brain for all it wants to do is shut down and dream...good thing I'm running across the street to the gym at lunch so I can get some oxygen into my zombiesque body, although what I really want is chocolate, oooh, and I'm NOT even PMSing!
Right, just got an email from the boss, I have to find an email for this guy named John Taurus, man, that sounds so made up!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Raining cats and owls

It hasn't stopped since last night, I hope the drought fears have finally been put to bed and that the concerns now turn towards identifying who is TRULY in charge of building the manishevitz!
So despite the rain I had to shuttle hop and go to a different campus for a workshop, I didn't want to go, I was crampy, clotty, grumpy and loaded down with too much crap: umbrella,long rain coat, note book, purse, ugh, not a happy witchy...anyway I was half an hour late because I couldn't find the conference room! Never mind them changing the blasted room at the last minute which I only found out by glancing at a flier posted some what close to the door of the old room, Jesus H. tap dancing Christ do you want people to come to this workshop, or not? Right, so finally inside I had to grab an oatmeal cookie because well, I was grumpy and I thought it would cheer me up, it did, good call you guys!
The workshop ended and I was putting my big ol' coat back on I glanced at the screen, the computer they were using was being turned off and it was shutting down all of its programs. Suddenly the screen saver picture popped up: DRAGONFLY!! A big beautiful blue dragonfly was giving me the peace sign and telling me to chill, brujita, chill!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bye bye Fibe!

I heard back from the interventional radiologist people and I've a consultation with them on Feb. 8, this is a pre-embolization consult so it looks like we're going fwd with that. I learned that they only do embolizations on Fridays so I've a "preferred date" set for March 7th, I was hoping to get in and out in February but unless someone cancels, March it is...I hope it doesn't go any further than that! Look people I have Belize in May, I need to recover, ya know?

By the way Dr. Jacoby not only is super fibroid doctor but an outstanding ObGyn as well, we sat together going over the images of my MRI and she pointed out the doomed fribroid to me - she told me she thought I was a good candidate for the embo and it appears that the IRs do as away we go! I mean away goes the fibe!
Cee the Fibroid Killer

Friday, January 18, 2008

MRI ay ay!

Had the MRI done, MRIs are freaky, freaky things, loud and kind of creepy, I was grateful I went in feet first and had my head out in the open, otherwise I think I would have started hollering for someone to get me out of there. I realize that after you know what to expect the creepiness factor goes away gradually, still the first time MRI is a nerve-racking experience. There was a woman going in after me, she was having a brain MRI, it was her third one – wow – she was a seasoned MRI pro and I was in awe. She was place in that tube in no time and seemed very relaxed and candid. I wish her all of the best.
The MRI woman, Mary, loved my blue and purple scarf that my Mom made for me, she then showed me her various magazines on knitting and told me that she has the desire to create but not the time. I know how she feels, yeah, we all do I reckon.
After I was off the machine she took the IV out (see, I didn’t know I was going to have an IV but there you go, it was to inject the dye…I told you guys this was my FIRST MRI), so anyway after she took it out my arm where the bandage holding the IV in place was red and blotchy, looks like I have a “sensitivity” towards the tegaderm bandages. Then I noticed that a tiny group of veins were turning purplish and Mary says “Oooh, I’ve never seen that before, sit down I want someone to look at that.” So she calls the nurses and they send me back to registration and into the nurse’s station, I had 2 nurses (Donna and Karen) look at my veins, then they called a fellow, and MD, female Dr. Chen, who determined that it was probably some of the dye making it into some minor veins, there didn’t seem to be any blockage. I wasn’t in pain either. Then a full-fledged, seasoned (that word again, well I am kinda hungry) doctor came in and she said is was nothing. Ha! The full-fledged doctors are so used to 15-minute consultations that she could step in, glance at my semi-famous purplish veins and announce it was nothing! Yeah! 3 seconds flat, doc, thanks! Oh, they so not better charge me for that! Anyway, I left with the nurses phone numbers and they took mine, I received great care, so all in all the creepy MRI experience was a good one.
More later…Dr. Jacoby’s office visit.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Saatchi Gallery

Hey you guys, can I bug you to take a look at the link above? I just put up 6 paintings on Saatchi Gallery. They're going to have a contest beginning on the 28 of January where one can access the site and give stars to the people who have entered their art. You can enter for free so if you're feeling creative Saatchi is where to go!

Thanks and muchos besos!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Only 2 settings, captain.

I'm an analyst, JIM, not a temperature technician! Apparently only 2 settings for the thermostat exist here at work: MEAT LOCKER and 5TH LEVEL OF HELL; after I had the temp technicians come down for the second time to adjust the obsolete gages and listen to them moan about the sorry state of the State (state uni) they left the thermostat unlocked so I can change the gage when necessary - now we're getting somewhere!
Bought my tickets to Los Amigos Invisibles yesterday, parking was a breeze and the box office laddie was nice enough; can I possibly pull off keeping the concert a surprise for Rafael until he is actually INSIDE the venue? That would mean blind folding him and walking him across Divisadero, not a smart move considering it's dangerous when all 5 senses are at 100% capacity.
V for Vendetta is ready for me at the library and I have Cerr to thank for that, I read her review, so off I go to explore this film, hankies at the ready.
I'm going for pancakes with Paola on Saturday, Howard's Cafe, she's going to tell me about this recent pull she felt regarding San Francisco's old waterfront and how she would spend her lunch hour walking around North Beach trying to find the old markers. Past life calling, hello!
She's also very much into A&E's new show Paranormal State, I caught some shows last Saturday and found it interesting but I'm still more of a Ghost Hunters fan. Maybe if P.S. began airing evps and videos...hmmmmm....still, I wish it were on earlier than 10pm, you guys, that's my bedtime!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The kids are alright

...that just came on, I really like this station (thanks Mari). Serene brought Jaida and Ricky over on Saturday and they were fun and funny. I think Jaida needs to have her creative side developed and should have seen her face light up when I placed my guitar on her lap! She was so excited. Guitar lessons for Jaida please. Ricky is a Sponge Bob aficionado and sat transfixed watching episode after episode; Ricky does a great Patrick impression. When I told them that I had to tape another show they were very cool about it and decided to do some drawings instead of watching tv.

Ok so MRI and Dr. Jacoby this Friday...let's get those fibroids on the run!!
Cee, the Fibroid Killer!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Mucho Tiempo

Si much time has passed since we last saw each other, pero here I am...was anyone asking "Adonde were you?" Porque if they were they stole that from me, büey! Pá que sepas.
Bueno, LA estuvo very nice, the weather was calientito and there was even a day when Rafael y yo were outside in the patio IN shorts and chanclas reading our books and watching hawks and garzas fly by. No lie, you guys there was an egret hanging out on the roof of one of the vecinos house and we were in shock.
Highlights of the trip: Mom, Dad and MIL and Pepito, Carlos, Michael, tamales, warm sun, cousins, 2nd cousins, catch phrase, parking spaces, wine tasting with Michael, warm bed, late night tv, 2 bathrooms, ghost stories from the neighbor, egret, hawks, parrots, squirrels and other critters. Oh and a pretty drive to and from LA, so no me estoy quejando, te fijas?
MRI on the 18th, still on schedule and I've already sorted out the stuff with the seguro. Tuvimos a really bad tormenta on Friday the 4th, por suerte I had the day off en honor de my birthday which of course you know was on el tres de Enero. Luckily we didn't loose electricity and had no floods...though Helen's threshold is still leaking. Alex eres un flojo, bueno para nada! Pero how do I really feel? Ha, que graciosa!
Se cuidan.
Cee, la Asesina de Fibromas!