Friday, November 30, 2007

My super NP hero!

Angela G is proving to be worth her weight in gold, she follows-up almost immediately and has great advice, the woman seems to know the ins and outs of the Radiology department. She and Leslie were able to secure an MRI for me on the same day as my appointment with Dr. Jacoby. I was thinking of taking that day off but in all honesty it'll be easier to go to the sites for my appointments with LHts as my home base. Ah, the convenience of the shuttle system, hallelujah! The MRI will show exactly where the fibes are and determine if I'm eligible for the embolization. Angela said what would disqualify me would be if the fibes are in a very risky spot, so here's to hoping those buggars cooperate and are embolizationable...hah, I just made up that word, you guys!
In the meantime I continue taking the Vitex, Flax seed oil gels, vitamins B, E and Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc supplement (with Vit D) oh and let's not forget the Milk Thistle. I stopped the flax seed meal as I read that it can cause excess bleeding. I'm eating more frijoles!
So, in fear of jinxing myself I have to say that this cycle has been less stressful than September's and October's..oh there are clots but not as frightening as in the past. Knock on wood, people, knock on wood. Oh, and think small!
Plus, my test for anemia came back, as I suspected: I'm NOT anemic! Huzzah.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fibes update

Dr. Moy was ok, I didn't get the warm and fuzzies from her and that's fine, she didn't tell me anything new(the internet is such a helpful thing!) but at least she didn't start hollering for a hysterectomy! I'mleaning towards an embolization and I want to meet with UCSF's Dr. Alison Jacoby who set up the Fibroid
Center at UCSF, she has a great reputation as does her team
of interventional radiologists (they perform the

embolizations). So what is my plan of action? I
was concerned with insurance issues so this is
what I did
this morning:
Right, so I’ve called my insurance, my FUTURE insurance
I should say because UCSF is dropping my existing
Pacificare and replacing it with HealthNet.
So I says
to the HealthNet people,
I says “Do I have to worry about an
existing condition going into this
new coverage”? They tell me
that HMOs don’t have that clause and that I can go see Super
Obgyn Dr. Jacoby! Y
es! That’s the very good news, the not so
news is that I have to wait until January 18 to see her.
Now, you know I have trouble with being patient but I will do
my best to endure (hand to forehead in
dramatic southern
swoon fashion). I’ve been speaking to a group of women who have
started a Yahoo
Embolizatioin group and several in the
Bay Area have advised me to go with UCSF, one woman confided
when she met with Drs. at Stanford they recommended UCSF
stating they were the best at this procedure. So
why go
elsewhere? It sounds like a no brainer and so I will
this route. January is the KILL THE FIBRIOD(s)
MONTH for me,
I’m printing up the banners and hiring the band!

Thanks given

The holiday was a blast, see I almost forgot to post about it, we had 5 people turn up for wine and food, music and parlor games. Ha! I guess you can call a boisterous game of dominoes and several rounds of catch phrase parlor games, right? Oh, the wine flowed and 2nds & 3rds were had by all, dessert ruled in all it's evil richness (cinnamon ice cream is the ultimate!), bellies were full and happy. I managed to only have 2 glasses of wine which had me feeling warm a little fuzzy and IN control. Always a good thing. Then everyone except Case left at around 6pm to go hit another T-Day celebration. About half n' hour later the 2 C's came back and called us asking if they could come back up - but of course m'dears!! Turns out they were "scolded" at the other gathering for being late when they had mentioned they wouldn't be there in time for dinner but for drinks afterwards. Big C was visibly upset when she re-arrived but was soon participating with the board games at hand. I hope we salvaged the night for them...they shouldn't have left in the first place, right? Live and learn, baybees!
Rafael and I had a blast, it was one of the best Thanksgivings ever!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bullet Points of Lfe

  • Friday the 9th of Nov I do in for an ultrasound and endovaginal to see if they can find a reason for my wonky cycle
  • Dr. Hilbert calls me at home on Tuesday the 13th and tells me that I have 2 fibroids and a cyst
  • I call her office the next day and ask for a copy of the results; they arrive in the mail a couple of days later
  • I make an appointment with Dr. Moy for Nov 26 to discuss options. I'm surprise on how rapido I can get in!
  • I make an appointment with Dr. Jacoby (just in case) but I have to wait until Jan 18! The woman es muy popular!
  • In the me also antime I'm asking everyone about their experience(s) with fibes andTELLING anyone who will listen that I have them. Don't plan to internalize any of this news. OUT WITH YOU, OUT!
  • Also visualizing the fibes getting small, smaller, smallest...until they are gone!!
  • I'll keep y'all posted

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Fibroid Killer

That's my new title and I'm going to use it until my two recently diagnosed fibroids are history! I'm currently visualizing them getting smaller and smaller, so if you'd like to help just "think small" for me! Cee The Fibroid Killer (TFK)