Friday, June 27, 2008

Futbol Euro Final (geek - sorta)

Sunday it's couch diving time whilst watching the EspaƱa v. Alemania futbol match. Hopefully, David Silva will have a great game since his tocayo David Villa will miss the final due to a pulled muscle resulting from the free kick in the game versus Russia. I like futbol, I like it a lot but I'm not a die hard fan like Paola who not only helps out SF Team The Seals but plays in several footy teams throughout the city. I like Kikin Fonseca I haven' t seen him on the Mexico team in years and there is nothing going on at his website; sadly I think the lad is considered "past it". I don't like Beckham and I think bringing him to the LA Galaxy was a big mistake, but since I'm not a die hard footy fan what do I know, right? I'll watch pretty much any kind of "final" game and that goes for just about any sport...fair weathered sports fan? True! It's just that I can't commit to an entire season of anything sporty, I'm not wired that way, on the other hand give me a season of LOST, Cadfael, The Office, Battlestar Galactica and everything else is placed on the back burner!
Pic is of David Silva and David Villa

Monday, June 16, 2008

Now this is what I call a book club

Their mission (excerpt):
Books have changed America for good and for ill, and they'll continue to do so. At PBC, our mission is to find the titles - and ideas - that can change our nation for the better and bring them to the forefront of the national debate.

Progressive Book Club

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dysfunction Junction - can I up my meds?

Here's LA in a nutshell:

Took an extra day to de-L.A. so came to work today instead of Monday. Highlight was eating magic cake with parents, low point was Mom going a bit psycho on Sunday right before we were leaving for the airport. I just realized she and my Dad argue a lot, and it’s mostly Mom going off because she can’t have a reasonable discussion since she can't hear the other person's opinion. It's just her going on and on while the listener (my Dad) just sits there helpless, unable to have his thoughts heard. Everyone is frustrated! She with his failing sight, everyone with her failing auditory capabilities and refusal to do anything about it. I ordered The Four Agreements for my Mom, I hope she'll give it a good read and take some of it to heart.

At any rate the funeral was fine, Rafael connected with loads of cousins he hasn’t seen in years and that was good. His Mom’s sisters are a catty bunch and gave R’s Mom and terrible time while they were there....ah, family! Feel the love.

Me? I'm going into hiding.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Saturnino the Centenarian

Saturnino was Rafael's granddad, he came to the US in the early 1900s and with his wife Carolina had 8 children; after a stint in Texas they moved to Southern California, Pasadena to be precise. When I met Saturnino he was full of life, robust, boisterous and very strong. Alongside Rafael's Mom, Isabel, they pretty much tore down and put up new walls in her house, new plumbing, and gods know what else. He drove a cute little truck well into his late 80's, alas as we all know, time moves on and takes no prisoners, Saturnino had his 100th birthday on February 14th and his family organized a huge party to celebrate the milestone it was a happy occasion tinged with a bit of melancholy. May 27th marked the last Earth day for Saturnino and the first day on his new journey; no doubt that he was met by his love Carolina.
We're going to Los Angeles this Thursday to be with Rafael's Mom and give her support during this transitional period, we'll be back on Sunday.
And yes, he loved Bonanza!
PS: A supercentenarian is someone who has lived to the age of 110 or more, something only achieved by one in a thousand centenarians. *If I make it, I'd like a cape please.*