Friday, June 27, 2008

Futbol Euro Final (geek - sorta)

Sunday it's couch diving time whilst watching the España v. Alemania futbol match. Hopefully, David Silva will have a great game since his tocayo David Villa will miss the final due to a pulled muscle resulting from the free kick in the game versus Russia. I like futbol, I like it a lot but I'm not a die hard fan like Paola who not only helps out SF Team The Seals but plays in several footy teams throughout the city. I like Kikin Fonseca I haven' t seen him on the Mexico team in years and there is nothing going on at his website; sadly I think the lad is considered "past it". I don't like Beckham and I think bringing him to the LA Galaxy was a big mistake, but since I'm not a die hard footy fan what do I know, right? I'll watch pretty much any kind of "final" game and that goes for just about any sport...fair weathered sports fan? True! It's just that I can't commit to an entire season of anything sporty, I'm not wired that way, on the other hand give me a season of LOST, Cadfael, The Office, Battlestar Galactica and everything else is placed on the back burner!
Pic is of David Silva and David Villa