Wednesday, November 26, 2008

From Robbert (on the left)

May your stuffing be tasty

May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stolen from Shonna and Karen

I rarely do these, so pardon the lameness of my answers, and wait, are they supposed to be one word answers?

Where is your mobile phone? Vest pocket
Where is your significant other? Getting ready for work
Your hair color? Brown with highlights, not sure if I like the highlights, I think I may look too chacha
Your mother? Temple City
Your father? Temple City
Your favorite thing? Fleece jim jams
Your dream last night? I was hanging out with my girlfriends from 7th grade
Your dream goal? To be an independently wealthy wench
The room you're in? Office with pictures of friends/family all around me
Your hobby? Psychedelic paintings
Your fear? Heights and grasshoppers
Where do you want to be in 6 years? In a kayak on the Waimea River or sipping wine in Spain
Where were you last night? At home baby, it was a school night
What you're not? False
One of your wish-list items? Inner peace
Where you grew up? So. Cal, Veracruz, So. Cal, Nor. Cal
The last thing you did? Eat Trader Joe’s sun chips
What are you wearing? One of the scarves my Mom knitted for me
Your TV? Acting wonky
Your pets? Husband
Your computer? Emac, acting wonky
Your mood? Sleepily
Missing someone? Yuppers
Your car? Scion TC
Something you're not wearing? Boots
Favorite shop? Aaron Brothers
Your summer? In October
Love someone? Yuppers
Your favorite color? Changes too often, but mostly brown or green
When is the last time you laughed? This morning
When is the last time you cried? Yesterday when I watched the Matt Dancing video

Monday, November 24, 2008

Academy of Sciences

Ok, ok so we didn't make it in to the Academy of Sciences, but one day we will and that's the good part; that's something to look forward to.

To pass the time we strolled along and admired the art work that was set up in one of the clearings near the music pavillion and listened to an elderly Chinese man

playing the morin khur (horse headed violin/Mongolian bowed instrument) while another man (not with him) was pulling off some cool acrobatics.

The sun was warm and welcoming despite it being November 23rd and on days like these there is no other option but to venture outdoors and absorb the rays that will soon become rare instances as brother fog descends and strengthens its hold over them.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Amador Wine Country

It had been just over a year since the last visit to Amador Wine Country. This time we took some friends along for the ride and for some great wine tasting. About an hour East of Sacramento Plymouth welcomed us with beautiful rolling hills, mild weather and a delicious sampling of their excellent wine production. With complimentary tastings, an impressive food spread at Amador, delightful sparkling wines at Karmere (peach, almond and raspberry, you guys!) and great friends to share this with, how can one go wrong?

Here we are in the Dobra Zemlja caves. Photo taken by a cool guy named Arnold, I think! More pictures coming soon.