Thursday, December 20, 2007


We leave for LA on Saturday, LA is said like la-la-la - not la la land anymore just 'La' like the JCC is now just the 'J'. You guys it sounds hipper, yes, that's why I say it that way to be hipper - entiendes? Es broma büey, no te creas.
Oye, Carolyn y Cheryl and probally el Tankini are coming over for some Holiday cheer tonight and gift exchange, that should be nice...still planning on taking a nappers when I get home though, so damn tired as Jason Mraz says - si por dios.
I paid Robbert a visita today and dang was his office hot, I think they had the thermostat to 85 or something, por favor - I was sudando like crazy. I hope we get to hang out with him and Case soon, although Case is leaving for Italy on the 7th of January, well around there.
I think I'll be catching up with Serene on the 29th of December so that will be fun, I have a calendar for each Jaida and Ricky - watch Jaida 'pooh-pooh' the Disney Princess calendar as she wishes for a Bratz one. Sorry chiquis, no se te va a cumplir!
Anyway, it's 4:30 I'm outta here.
More tomorrow, te prometo nada porque asi soy de mala!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Status Quo

Writing logs and blogs about the current health situation; nothing has changed since the last post as I'm in waiting mode, circling the landing strip per se, waiting for that clearance light to turn green. January 18th is still the date, the date when the MRI will reveal very small fibes as a result of the visualization. I need to buy another bottle of chaste berry as I'm down to my last 3 capsules, spendy little buggars at $15 a bottle.
Sean and Kate are coming for a visit on Sunday, I think the plan is to hit the Haight and All You Knead, it's been a year and a half since we've been there, the last time was with UK Kate and Jo, unbelievable! Speaking of eateries, we went to B Star last Sunday with Cheryl and Carolyn, great food and hilarious company - very good outing; at first I was just NOT in the mood to go out, it was cold and getting late... wah, wah, moan, moan! I shook it off and got dressed to go, glad I did - oh! and parking? We so Kojak'd it!
I spoke with Michael on the phone and he is still working at the boutique wine store in Pasadena(?) so we may stop in and pay him a visit on the 26th for a wee wine tasting. Since Thanksgiving I've only had one glass of champagne, I do think the drop in alcohol consumption has helped my symptoms...I could give up drinking completely if need be; I do reckon I'd miss the occasional red with dinner though.
Finished the first HP book, just got the 2nd one from the library, it's the hard cover, so will be lugging that little monster around for the next couple of weeks.
Been listening to everyday, thank you Marinieves!
Kilbey has just finished with a cyber stalker, geez, it's insane to wrap your head around just how many damaged people are out there, you know? Still, after having received the first inappropriate suggestion or comment from this person I would have banned their email on the spot - no me jodan cabrones!
Cee the Fibroid Killer

Friday, November 30, 2007

My super NP hero!

Angela G is proving to be worth her weight in gold, she follows-up almost immediately and has great advice, the woman seems to know the ins and outs of the Radiology department. She and Leslie were able to secure an MRI for me on the same day as my appointment with Dr. Jacoby. I was thinking of taking that day off but in all honesty it'll be easier to go to the sites for my appointments with LHts as my home base. Ah, the convenience of the shuttle system, hallelujah! The MRI will show exactly where the fibes are and determine if I'm eligible for the embolization. Angela said what would disqualify me would be if the fibes are in a very risky spot, so here's to hoping those buggars cooperate and are embolizationable...hah, I just made up that word, you guys!
In the meantime I continue taking the Vitex, Flax seed oil gels, vitamins B, E and Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc supplement (with Vit D) oh and let's not forget the Milk Thistle. I stopped the flax seed meal as I read that it can cause excess bleeding. I'm eating more frijoles!
So, in fear of jinxing myself I have to say that this cycle has been less stressful than September's and October's..oh there are clots but not as frightening as in the past. Knock on wood, people, knock on wood. Oh, and think small!
Plus, my test for anemia came back, as I suspected: I'm NOT anemic! Huzzah.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fibes update

Dr. Moy was ok, I didn't get the warm and fuzzies from her and that's fine, she didn't tell me anything new(the internet is such a helpful thing!) but at least she didn't start hollering for a hysterectomy! I'mleaning towards an embolization and I want to meet with UCSF's Dr. Alison Jacoby who set up the Fibroid
Center at UCSF, she has a great reputation as does her team
of interventional radiologists (they perform the

embolizations). So what is my plan of action? I
was concerned with insurance issues so this is
what I did
this morning:
Right, so I’ve called my insurance, my FUTURE insurance
I should say because UCSF is dropping my existing
Pacificare and replacing it with HealthNet.
So I says
to the HealthNet people,
I says “Do I have to worry about an
existing condition going into this
new coverage”? They tell me
that HMOs don’t have that clause and that I can go see Super
Obgyn Dr. Jacoby! Y
es! That’s the very good news, the not so
news is that I have to wait until January 18 to see her.
Now, you know I have trouble with being patient but I will do
my best to endure (hand to forehead in
dramatic southern
swoon fashion). I’ve been speaking to a group of women who have
started a Yahoo
Embolizatioin group and several in the
Bay Area have advised me to go with UCSF, one woman confided
when she met with Drs. at Stanford they recommended UCSF
stating they were the best at this procedure. So
why go
elsewhere? It sounds like a no brainer and so I will
this route. January is the KILL THE FIBRIOD(s)
MONTH for me,
I’m printing up the banners and hiring the band!

Thanks given

The holiday was a blast, see I almost forgot to post about it, we had 5 people turn up for wine and food, music and parlor games. Ha! I guess you can call a boisterous game of dominoes and several rounds of catch phrase parlor games, right? Oh, the wine flowed and 2nds & 3rds were had by all, dessert ruled in all it's evil richness (cinnamon ice cream is the ultimate!), bellies were full and happy. I managed to only have 2 glasses of wine which had me feeling warm a little fuzzy and IN control. Always a good thing. Then everyone except Case left at around 6pm to go hit another T-Day celebration. About half n' hour later the 2 C's came back and called us asking if they could come back up - but of course m'dears!! Turns out they were "scolded" at the other gathering for being late when they had mentioned they wouldn't be there in time for dinner but for drinks afterwards. Big C was visibly upset when she re-arrived but was soon participating with the board games at hand. I hope we salvaged the night for them...they shouldn't have left in the first place, right? Live and learn, baybees!
Rafael and I had a blast, it was one of the best Thanksgivings ever!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bullet Points of Lfe

  • Friday the 9th of Nov I do in for an ultrasound and endovaginal to see if they can find a reason for my wonky cycle
  • Dr. Hilbert calls me at home on Tuesday the 13th and tells me that I have 2 fibroids and a cyst
  • I call her office the next day and ask for a copy of the results; they arrive in the mail a couple of days later
  • I make an appointment with Dr. Moy for Nov 26 to discuss options. I'm surprise on how rapido I can get in!
  • I make an appointment with Dr. Jacoby (just in case) but I have to wait until Jan 18! The woman es muy popular!
  • In the me also antime I'm asking everyone about their experience(s) with fibes andTELLING anyone who will listen that I have them. Don't plan to internalize any of this news. OUT WITH YOU, OUT!
  • Also visualizing the fibes getting small, smaller, smallest...until they are gone!!
  • I'll keep y'all posted

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Fibroid Killer

That's my new title and I'm going to use it until my two recently diagnosed fibroids are history! I'm currently visualizing them getting smaller and smaller, so if you'd like to help just "think small" for me! Cee The Fibroid Killer (TFK)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

IS that the

Whooooo!! Cheryl and Carolyn were over to watch my show and about 5 minutes after it was done everything started rattling and rolling, at first we thought it was the bus but THEN the wine glasses started clinking louder and louder, and the movement was getting stronger and stronger! WE WERE HAVING AN EARTHQUAKE!! Just when it felt like it was calming down it became stronger still. Man! We jumped off the couches and just stood there for a second, then Carolyn headed downstairs to find their houseguest, Erin, who is MOVING to San Francisco in mere days. At the time of the shaking Rafael called saying he was on his way home and I'm telling him that we're in the middle of and earthquake. Of course he didn't feel anything because he was driving, but I managed to freak him out so he rushed home. I followed the 2 C's to their apartment and we had chocolate cookies. Chocolate helps after earthquakes as you know. Jerry came out into the hall to check on everyone and we checked on him, everyone was ok, just freaked out! No Helen though and I didn't want to knock on her door because surely she'd start talking about everything except the earthquake.
This was the biggest quake for the 2 C's hitting at a 5.6! Actually, any quake sends the heart racing even a 3.5 because you never know what's NEXT! Talk about spoooooky! After that it was a pretty quiet evening and surprisingly I managed to forget about it and have a decent night's sleep! I did have a major calf cramp this morning though, OU FUCKIN CHIE!!

We're having the Scaryaoke today at lunch time and the costume contest so it should be fun. One office is doing a CSI episode, I guess they're acting out a "Really bad day at the office." Oooh, can't wait. They're having performances at 10, 11:30, 1 and 3. Yeah, it's crazy!
It's truly a perfect morning for Halloween, fog is down to the ground and it's still pretty dark out there.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Electric Lash

Shortly after my visit to St. Mary's I'd been doing (and continue to do) some positive visualization and affirmations. I was slumbering in bed on Saturday or Sunday and in between sleep and consciousness I distinctly felt an electric lash touch the space of my third eye; I even heard the electric hum. My eyes flew open and I knew that this was significant. I told Rafael that if there was something inside me that had potential of doing me harm, it was now GONE! I continue with the healthy eating and the positive vibrations. Now to concentrate on getting Doc Hilbert to up my appointment to January instead of April. C'mon!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Jose Guadalupe Posada and...

The calavera above is by Jose Guadalupe Posada, Mexican artist born in the 19th Century. Fantastic artist. I'm lucky to have a rubber stamp with the Calavera Oaxaqueña, dulce!

Spooky, kinda creepy, but also has this great nostalgic those old, old cartoons from the 30's and 40's. I don't know who created this, but thank you.

Monday, October 15, 2007

More Travels, more shots!

If this strategy won't get the tourists in here, nothing will. Placerville, CA (once known as, yep, Hangtown!)

Museum at Sobon, ehm...a bung is a barrel. I know, I know it sounds dirty!

I was framed!

Cooper Winery, one of the friendliest wineries in Shenandoah Valley!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More catch up!

Welcome to wine country!

Photo catch up!

Feeling a bit sly at the Palace of Fine Arts

Perfect day!

Cee close to Pelosi's house and taking a million steps in stride.

Give it a chance...

The humanity at SF's Summer of Love (40th Anniversary)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Should I stay, or should I go...? Joe?

This Sunday is the 40th Anniversary of the Summer of Love @ Golden Gate Park...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tipsy for Tolhurst

Perkins Palace, 198'something, at the Cure gig with Joshua (Thomas Dolby lookalike). I find myself close to the stage and decide it's time to make the crossing, so I manage to get up there, kiss Robert Smith on the cheek, spin around to leave when *smack* I run into Lol's keyboard! The whole set up does this tipsy dance, wobbling back and forth and I look at Lol in horrified embarrassment but he just smiles and steadies it. At that point I just run off stage. Back with Josh he says to me "I was sitting here thinking 'who is that bitch kissing Robert and almost knocking over Lol's keyboards?' and then I realized it was YOU!" We laughed and laughed, he finished with "I recognized your glow-in-the-dark rosary!"

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Sometimes my dreams are heavily influenced by what I've just finished watching on television or by the last chapter of the book I've read; while other times I'm just drifting in a void of nothingness, no color, no sound, no feeling, no sky and no ground. When I took my nap yesterday, I didn't dream, I felt anchored to the blanket around me so I didn't travel. In my slumber my senses completely shut down and allowed the involuntary functions to take over. You have to trust your body to wake up otherwise we'd never surrender.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Adonde were you?

Hola mis pollitos!

You have to go visitar a so you can have un buen laugh and then wait in anticipation until I get off my pompi and produce some more content. Claro que si!

I just realized that I need to paint a new "El Mar" for the UCSF Art Show ya que the original "El Mar" will still be showing in Oakland. So I have to get cracking and do that y pronto!

Over the fin de semana I was in Sonoma checking out the wineries of Viansa and of La Gloria Ferrer. Gloria knocked our calcetas off, it was such a lovely place and the weather was just perfect, con sol but windy so we didn't roast. We were catching that nice buzz where you just want to stay and keep tomando sparkling know that peligroso zone? Of course you do, shut upate! We pulled the drinking plug a las cuatro and headed for la casa.

Of course we kept drinking...ay, y que?


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Arte, Arte, Arte!

No, aun no estoy harta de todo esto...
Ok, so I submitted a piece to Snap to Grid which is an L.A. based art show. Basically anyone who submits something will be part of the exhibit. I entered with Wisdom Es (Sabiduria Is); see what I did there? O lo entiendes ó no, no puedo help you, ya?

I did go to Amoeba on Sábado, pero I only stayed for like 10 minutes, estaba llenísimo, y I didn't feel like hanging around with mil gente sudando and becoming more and more claustrophobic by the second. My haircut went great, though!

Eviction party was fun, great space and verdaderamente a shame if they do have to move. The mago was ok, he did some slight of hand but nothing gross or crazy.
This Domingo we're going to go hunting for el sol.
Un besazo!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Llegamos a Viernes

Esta picture es de Maui, creo que it's never foggy there...

...ay mira que foggy it is outside, me dicen that it'll be close to 70 today, pero I don't believe them. I did bring some chanclas in case it does get warm, this way my toes won't be all calientes.

Tomorrow I'm going to see Glen from the Frames at Amoeba records in San Franciscolandia and the off to have a haircut with Kim at: Hair Shop - 90 Woodacre Dr -(415) 587-2399. If you need a haircut go see Kim, she is totalmente wonderful.

Saturday night is an eviction party at one of Rafael's clients' building. It's like a RENT situation where the owner of this commercial building is throwing everyone out. There is supposed to be a "freaky magician" dude there performing some gross trucos and cosas like that, should be algo interesante, no creen?
Ok mis pollitos, I have to call Walgreen porque I bought the wrong Claritin, que lata!

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Summer, Summer, Summer! It's freezing out here in San Franciscolandia but that's the way it goes, ni modo, deja de quejarte y ponte la chamarra, pues.

The show continues with the best of this year, last year, the one before that, and the ones before that! Estupendo, I know.
My friend Robbert told me about these fabulosas chicas that you need to go check out, do it holmes!
Taco Chick and Salsa Girl. Te lo julio, my people are too funnny!

I still want to get a t-shirt or baseball cap that says either "mexican cracker" or "ghetto mexican". I think I'll get into less trouble if I get the "mexican cracker" dicho, no crees? Of course, someone is going to steal that idea from me, carajo. Just for el record, it's Thursday August, 2 del 2007. No me jodan, mamones!

Oh, and this is my favorite soccer player Kikin Fonseca. What really me hace mad is that I can't get all the games he plays on la tele. He plays for Los Tigres de Monterey and all we seem to be concentrating here are the pinche L.A. Galaxy games (or L.A. Fallacy as Paola likes to call them)! Mira que chistosa!

Ok I need to irme a la casa now, bueno, first I have to go to Walgreens and buys some Claritin for my marido and some cotton balls for me; it's part of the belleza thing.

Cuidense, mis pollitos

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday, July 9, 2007

Pinturas Nuevas

Sea / Mar

Wisdom / Sabiduria

Spring / Primavera

Thursday, June 28, 2007

SF rocks but I wish I were here

...surrounded by volcanic rocks and the deep blue sea...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sitting at Mala watching...

Best new restaurant we found, Mala, go there and enjoy this blissful view. Be still and quiet. Order something lovely to eat and drink and simply watch...
the changes in the light, in the sea, in the sand, in your head, in your heart...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Picture for a Wednesday

The world famous Banyan tree, yes one tree (no hill). Under this tree many find respite, we found an arts and crafts fair with lovely local painters and jewelry makers. Tip: go see the Banyan tree early in the morning, say 8:30 or 9am. Leave when it starts getting crowded. Unless crowds are what you're after.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Picture for a Tuesday

Straight ahead is Molokai, to the right you see 2 rocks, one looks like a shell and the other like a head; both make up Turtle Rock!
I can dig it.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Maui or New Orleans? Make up your mind!
It's Maui...the Plantation Inn on Lahainaluna; we went to get massages at the Blue Bamboo which is right across the street from here. It's too spendy to stay at the Plantation Inn, plus no ocean view, so really, what's the point?

Elvis is everywhere! We found him on the road to Hana.

Local Maui talent, I think they were playing Block by The Church; I requested Tiny Dancer...

Monday, June 11, 2007

To where I am now...

Can ya blame me??