Wednesday, October 31, 2007

IS that the

Whooooo!! Cheryl and Carolyn were over to watch my show and about 5 minutes after it was done everything started rattling and rolling, at first we thought it was the bus but THEN the wine glasses started clinking louder and louder, and the movement was getting stronger and stronger! WE WERE HAVING AN EARTHQUAKE!! Just when it felt like it was calming down it became stronger still. Man! We jumped off the couches and just stood there for a second, then Carolyn headed downstairs to find their houseguest, Erin, who is MOVING to San Francisco in mere days. At the time of the shaking Rafael called saying he was on his way home and I'm telling him that we're in the middle of and earthquake. Of course he didn't feel anything because he was driving, but I managed to freak him out so he rushed home. I followed the 2 C's to their apartment and we had chocolate cookies. Chocolate helps after earthquakes as you know. Jerry came out into the hall to check on everyone and we checked on him, everyone was ok, just freaked out! No Helen though and I didn't want to knock on her door because surely she'd start talking about everything except the earthquake.
This was the biggest quake for the 2 C's hitting at a 5.6! Actually, any quake sends the heart racing even a 3.5 because you never know what's NEXT! Talk about spoooooky! After that it was a pretty quiet evening and surprisingly I managed to forget about it and have a decent night's sleep! I did have a major calf cramp this morning though, OU FUCKIN CHIE!!

We're having the Scaryaoke today at lunch time and the costume contest so it should be fun. One office is doing a CSI episode, I guess they're acting out a "Really bad day at the office." Oooh, can't wait. They're having performances at 10, 11:30, 1 and 3. Yeah, it's crazy!
It's truly a perfect morning for Halloween, fog is down to the ground and it's still pretty dark out there.