Friday, September 12, 2008

Top Ten Sarah Palin Scandals

When you have time and you have your investigative reporter hat on (that or your responsible voter hat) go visit Common Mistakes bloggie and have a nice read. Follow the links and become informed...pass it on.

You know the good ol' boys are churning their own butter to this picture! This photo may actually kill all terrorists on sight. Perhaps a aerial drop of this picture over Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan?

"When asked last month about the vice presidency, she [Sarah Palin] said, 'I still can't answer that question until someone answers for me: 'What is it exactly that the VP does every day?' When asked about Iraq, she said, 'I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq.' "
-Gloria Steinem, September 4, 2008

Chillaxing on Mr. Grizzly bear. "Please don't maul me, Mr. Grizzly bear, oh wait, you can't, you're dead! Ha, ha!"