Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Short week thanks to Cesar Chavez Day on Friday. It used to be called Spring Free Day or something similar but I guess someone decided to give the day off an official name. You can read about Cesar by pasting this address in your browser: http://clnet.ucla.edu/research/chavez/bio/

I painted 3 abstracts over last weekend, one is for Kate and Sean and their new house in Sacramento (I can hear the cow bells already); the other maybe for Mab, and the third I'll probably keep and post it on artcee.net
You do know that a % of the sales goes to Casa de las Madres, right? You can read more about them by visiting them at: http://www.lacasa.org/

Rick Hardin is doing my show this Saturday and I'm really excited about it, he's a great singer songwriter and has loads of experience banging out a performance with just his voice and his acoustic, can't wait! myspace.com/rickhardin

Sun's out after a day of rain, the robins are happily bouncing on the lawn and the hummingbirds are a blur in the sky.
The picture above is called Mermaid Missing Home. It was taken at Tennessee Beach, Marin California.