Tuesday, August 12, 2008

TV, Clement and GG Park

Kate and Sean drove down from Sacramento so Kate could be on my show, OTTOMT. The interview flew by because as well all know the set up for a television shoot always lasts longer than the shoot itself. This time my colleague Rod directed the show and I actually played host. The new episode will air on Saturday the 23rd of August. It's funny because Kate had the boys watch it at Casa Balboa, I saw the second half of the epi. See? I'll pretty much do anything in front of a camera within the limits of propriety but that doesn't mean I have to watch it, right? Right. Anyway, it's a solid interview about Kate and her scooter obsession which includes fashion, art and stationery. So, tune in if you can. In San Francisco, Cable channel 29 at 6pm 8/23/08. Online go to AccesSF and click on AccesSF 1, scroll down & click it again under the should be able to see it.

My guest for the show...Kate and her "scooter patches" jacket

Award winning Director, no really, stop laughing!

Chillaxing at Casa Balboa

Pagoda at Golden Gate Park's Stow Lake