Monday, April 30, 2012

The Final Week Before Oahu, First Linocut and Tom Waits

I'll try to post pictures in order of the blog post title but I have a hell of a time figuring out how the photos fall into blogger, ack, especially with this "new look". So last one is first and vice-versa. Right, ok so counting the days until we head off to Oahu, there's 6 you know, counting today and counting Saturday May 5th when we venture to AT&T Park so see our Gigantes beat the Brewers. Trying not to sabotage all my hard work at the gym and in the kitchen with unhealthy eats. So far so good, but that means only 1 beer (if that) at the ballpark.

Homemade salad for lunch accompanied by Neil Gaiman's Graveyard Book. Enjoying it all very much, especially the sunflower seeds and bell peppers, NOM! I have to truly watch what I eat this week as working out will be compromised for 3 days. I go to lunch with Serene on Thursday so the thing I have to secure is that there will be salads on the menu.
This is a shot of my first linocut, it is FAAAR from perfect as I'm having a devil of a time getting the white lines clean and crisp; just not a carver, you know? There is a different version at the studio that I will post if it's still there when I get back from vacation, which I'm sure it will be. I have the monoprint I did and I LOVE it, not so much anyone else but I really don't care. It pleases me to no end and I will more likely than not, frame it!

Charli and I had a texting marathon last night regarding Tom Waits. Turns out Tom's wife, Kathleen, is Charli's client and so their phone number and home address are known to her. KC has already put in a very urgent request to Charli about jamming with Tom. I hope we're invited!!